Episode 4: Explorations on Vocational Education: The search for a theory on the Capabilities Approach

Episode 4: Explorations on Vocational Education: The search for a theory on the Capabilities Approach

In this episode of Africa in Conversation, Professor Azeem Badroodien talks with renowned scholars in the field of Vocational Education, Associate Professor Lesley Powell and Professor Simon McGrath. In this conversation they explore TVET education in the context of the Capabilities Approach which foregrounds the values of individuals and institutions in the context of an unequal socio-economy.

Episode 1: Ideations on representation of the Black Body

Episode 1: Ideations on representation of the Black Body

In our first episode of Africa in Conversation, we focus on Ideations on Representations of the Black Body – a timely discussion in tune with Africa. Join Professor Azeem Badroodien, and Associate Professor Divine Fuh as talk through ideas of the African body, African identities within that body and notions of resilience in the context of the political economy of education.

Decolonisation: Taking Theory into Practice

Decolonisation: Taking Theory into Practice

An hour conversation with Professor Shose Kessi, Professor of Psychology and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Cape Town, exploring a range of issues including feminist pedagogies and research methods in the context of decolonisation struggles in South Africa, the Global South, and the metropole.

Gender, education and conflict

Gender, education and conflict

The relationship between gender and conflict; gender at a conceptual level and problems with existing theorisation in policy as well as practice; how education might mitigate conflict; gender, education and conflict in the Central Asian context